When was XTI Aerospace, Inc. incorporated?

XTI Aerospace was incorporated in the State of Nevada in April of 1999.

Where is XTI Aerospace’s corporate headquarters?

Our corporate headquarters is located at 8123 S. InterPort Boulevard, Englewood, Colorado 80112.

Is XTI Aerospace, Inc. a public company?

Yes. XTI Aerospace is a public company traded on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbol “XTIA”.

What is XTI Aerospace, Inc.'s CUSIP number?

The CUSIP for XTI Aerospace is 98423K 108

What is XTI Aerospace, Inc.'s stock symbol?


How can I buy XTI Aerospace, Inc. stock?

Contact a licensed stockbroker or use an online trading account.

What is the fiscal year for XTI Aerospace, Inc.?

Our fiscal year ends on December 31.

How do I contact XTI Aerospace, Inc. investor relations department?

Please contact Crescendo Communications, LLC at 212-671-1020 or xtia@crescendo-ir.com

Where can I get more information about XTI Aerospace, Inc.?

Please write us at contact@xtiaerospace.com